Financial Aid to deserving and needy students.

Interest free Loans and Merit Scholarships are granted / arranged for deserving students. Financial scholarship grants are accorded outright to financially weak students. More than 15500 students have benefited from these scholarships & grants schemes and, till date, an approximate of Rs. One crore has been disbursed by OSA.

Collection and disbursement of Zakat

OSA also collects Zakat during Ramzan every year. A sizeable amount is collected and disbursed as aid among the needy and deserving students especially at the time of admission, when they need it the most. Utmost care is taken to examine prospects and disburse Zakat amongst those students only who are eligible to receive it.

Non Academic Aid

Students of the Undria Street Municipal Urdu School, which has been adopted by OSA, receive uniforms, notebooks, shoes, socks, compass boxes, toys, and lunch boxes apart from coaching in computers and science practicals. Almost four hundred and fifty students benefit from this activity every year.


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Contact Info

Phone number

(456) 789 10 12

(456) 789 10 15

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Address info

1363-1385 Sunset Blvd Los Angeles